All you need to know about Body Magic

Whilst food optimising is the most important component of the Slimming World programme, Body Magic is also a key part of it. Body Magic is essentially the fitness aspect of the programme. It encourages you to slowly build up your exercise levels as your fitness improves and to track this to get rewards and certificates for doing so.

body magic

You don’t have to commit to going out and running a marathon, but pledging to park further away from work or the shops, taking the lift less or getting off the bus stop one stop earlier and building up from there is a great place to start.

The more you do these, the easier it will become, and the more you will want to do. The endorphins will kick in and it will become almost addictive and have a really positive effect on your mental health so it really is a win win!

What are the levels of body magic?


The bronze award is awarded when 45 minutes of exercise is completed per week (spread over a minimum of three sessions) and this is maintained for at least four weeks.


The silver body magic award is receibed when you complete either six periods of exercise lasting 15 minutes or three periods of exercise lasting 30 minutes per week (or a mixture of the two) and again, it is maintained for four weeks.


Gold body magic is reached when you complete ten workouts lasting 15 minutes or 5 five workouts lasting 30 minutes per week, however this must be maintained for eight weeks.


Platinum body magic is awarded when being active is embedded in your life! It shows that you have a life long commitment to being more active!

body magic takes many forms

Other top ways to build up your body magic and activity levels

As well as the tips above, there are lots of other great ways to build up your fitness and activity levels. Particularly if you are unfit or very self conscious about your weight, you might not feel ready to commit to joining a gym or doing anything in public, but don’t let what other people may or may not think about you put you off. Here are some of my favourite ways to get active whilst keeping a low profile!

  • Invest in a workout DVD or try out a fitness video on Youtube. Completing exercise from your own home means the excuses such as not wanting to go back out again, or staying anonymous don’t come into play!
  • Whilst watching a TV show you like, get up and walk or jog on the spot. If this is too much, start with doing it just in the advert breaks. It’s better to do it for a few minutes, than not starting at all.
  • When you get home from work, before you sit down, commit to walking around the block.
  • If you have a friend or neighbour who has a dog, offer to walk the dog for them once or twice a week, or join them on a walk and make it a social occasion.

What are your top tips on building up your body magic? I’d love to know in the comments below!


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